Solutions for your Web Site, Networking,
Servers, PC needs and more starts here!
AITech Solutions utilizes highly skilled and driven associates to provide exceptional and cost effective IT Technical Support via Remote Access, Email, Live Chat and also Onsite Support in south eastern Pennsylvania in the US. Please use the Contact Us page to request support.
While we use this site as a method to advertise our business and provide access to our services, Our main goal here is to provide you with free resources and the advice you need to resolve issues and get things done.
Online, We provide detailed, useful, easy to understand tutorials, hard to find tips and reference information on multiple IT and Internet related disciplines as well as free downloads of utilities and programs, web page add ins, development tools, etc... and links to our public domain favorites!
Our primary areas of focus are IT \ Networking Infrastructure Design and Support with a focus on SMB. PC\Linux Repair\Maintenance including Custom Builds. AD/DC, Email, DNS, and HTTP Server Configuration supplemented by publically acclaimed online How-To articles.
We also provide low cost and secure DNS and Virtual Web Site Hosting for your personal and business needs. In the future we plan to bring up a forum so we can interactively share our solutions while expanding our support options!
We are growing and always adding useful content. We hope you enjoy our site, Thank you for visiting!
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